- Free eBook - Build and Deploy Application using Open-Source Products

"SOA and WS-BPEL: Free 316 Page eBook"

Build and deploy your own service-oriented application using open-source products PHP and ActiveBPEL engine, as described in this easy-to-follow tutorial eBook.

Web services, while representing independent units of application logic, of course, can be used as stand-alone applications fulfilling requests from different service requestors. However, the real power of web services lies in the fact that you can bind them within service compositions, applying the principles and concepts of Service-Oriented Architecture. Ideally, web services should be designed to be loosely coupled so that they can potentially be reused in various SOA solutions and used for a wide range of service requestors.

As the name implies, the main idea behind this eBook is to demonstrate how you can implement Service-Oriented Solutions using PHP and ActiveBPEL Designer—free software products allowing you to effectively distribute service processing between the web/PHP server and ActiveBPEL orchestration engine. When it comes to building data-centric services, the eBook explains how to use MySQL or Oracle Database XE, the most popular free databases.

This practical eBook explains in extensive detail how to build Web Services with PHP and then utilize them within WS-BPEL orchestrations deployed to the ActiveBPEL engine.

Download your free copy of "SOA and WS-BPEL" - here
