- Cross-platform files Sharing application - NitroShare

NitroShare makes it easy to transfer files from one machine to another on the same network. Most of the time, no configuration is necessary - all of the machines on your network running NitroShare should immediately find each other and you can instantly begin sharing files.

NitroShare introduces the concept of "share boxes", which are small widgets that are placed on your desktop. Each share box represents another machine on your local network that you can instantly share files with by dropping them on it. (You can also create a share box that will ask you which machine you want to send the files to.)

NitroShare features:
 * Dynamic file compress during transfer to decrease transfer time and bandwidth
 * DRC check sum generation to ensure file integrity during transfer
 * Full compatibility with clients running on other operating systems
 * A helpful configuration wizard to guide you through setting up the application on your machines
 * The application was developed using the Qt framework and therefore runs on any platform supported by Qt, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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