- Text Based Password Manager using the Blowfish Encryption - YAPET

YAPET is a text based password manager using the Blowfish encryption algorithm to store password and associated information encrypted on disk. Its primary aim is to provide a safe way to store passwords in a file on disk while having a small footprint, and compiling and running under today's most popular Unix Systems.

YAPET does not impose a limit of password records per file and the number of files the passwords are stored in, although YAPET is only able to display password records of one file at a time. For convenience, YAPET provides a search function for password records of the currently displayed password file.

The password records are protected by a master password. The master password is used to encrypt and decrypt the password records.

YAPET relies on OpenSSL for encrypting and decrypting password records. The cipher for encryption and decryption is Blowfish with a 448 bits key.

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