- UI Application to take System Backup and Snapshot - TimeVault

Backing up data can be difficult, especially when you only want to copy files that changed since the last backup. It can be even more troublesome when you have to remember to start the process manually,or you have to delete old backups to make room for new ones. Because of these difficulties, some people decide not to back up data at all, and feel the pain when they accidentally delete the wrong file or their system crashes. TimeVault is a backup utility for Ubuntu that addresses these problems.

TimeVault is an UI application that performs a function similar to Apple's TimeMachine. It makes automated snapshots of (selected parts of) the file system. You can roll back to a previous version of a file or directory, or just view it the way it was when the snapshot was taken. Snapshots are protected from accidental deletion or modification since they are read-only by default. The super-user can delete intermediate snapshots to save space, but files and directories that existed before or after the deletion will still be accessible

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