- Search News, Bug fixes, Tips and Tricks, etc. for Ubuntu using Googlubuntu search Engine

Googlubuntu is a search engine created by Google to search news, bug fixes, tips and tricks, etc.. for Ubuntu and Kubuntu Linux

With this tool you can easily search, programs, tutorials, documents, grants, news and much more. For that Googlubuntu indexes sites in both Spanish and English.

Googlubuntu resources are from: Ubuntu.com, Kubuntu.com, Edubuntu.org, Launchpad.net, ubuntuforums.org, Kubuntuforums.net, ubuntuguide.org, getdeb.net, google groups «ubuntulinux» and «kubuntu», ubuntu-es.org, kubuntu-es.org, planetubuntu.es, ubuntips.com.ar, guia-ubuntu.org, cesarius.net, tuxpepino.wordpress.com, ubuntulife.wordpress.com, google groups on spanish.

In addition and if you're using Firefox, you can use Googlubuntu firefox plugin to add Googlubuntu search bar.
