Set up, maintain, and secure a small office email server.
Many businesses want to run their email servers on Linux for greater control and flexibility of corporate communications, but getting started can be complicated. The attractiveness of a free-to-use and robust email service running on Linux can be undermined by the apparent technical challenges involved. Some of the complexity arises from the fact that an email server consists of several components that must be installed and configured separately, then integrated together. This book gives you just what you need to know to set up and maintain an email server. Unlike other approaches that deal with one component at a time, this book delivers a step-by-step approach across all the server components, leaving you with a complete working email server for your small business network.
This free sample chapter, Chapter 4: Providing Webmail Access, shows how to set up webmail access using SquirrelMail. This will give users an easy, out-of-office access to their email. Be introduced to the SquirrelMail software package and examine the pros and cons of this and other webmail access solutions. After that, it will follow the installation and configuration of SquirrelMail step by step. Next, it will examine the installation of plugins and include a reference of useful plugins. Finally, it will include some tips on how to secure SquirrelMail.
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