- All in one - Multi-Panel Tabbed File Manager for Linux - SpaceFM

SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev-based device manager, customizable menu system, and bash integration

SpaceFM Features:
 * Lightweight - Written in C with GTK2 stability, inotify kernel and libudev support
 * Responsive - Built-in vfs runs fast with low resource usage (no gvfs, etc)
 * Flexible - Can appear very simple or very complex depending on configuration
 * Multiple Windows - A single instance opens multiple windows
 * Multiple Panels - Each window contains up to four independently configured and interactive browser panels plus a task manager pane
 * Tabbed - Each browser panel supports multiple folder tabs
 * Side Panes - Any browser panel can show Devices, Bookmarks, and Directory Tree side panes
 * Desktop Manager - Includes a built-in, lightweight DM mode with custom commands - works great with Openbox
 * Device Manager - Built-in libudev support for manual and automatic device management, plus easily format, backup and restore partitions and MBRs
 * Task Manager - Control or eliminate popup dialogs with multitasking abilities - no waiting to move on to your next task
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