With this tool you can easily search, programs, tutorials, documents, grants, news and much more. For that Googlubuntu indexes sites in both Spanish and English.
Googlubuntu resources are from: Ubuntu.com, Kubuntu.com, Edubuntu.org, Launchpad.net, ubuntuforums.org, Kubuntuforums.net, ubuntuguide.org, getdeb.net, google groups «ubuntulinux» and «kubuntu», ubuntu-es.org, kubuntu-es.org, planetubuntu.es, ubuntips.com.ar, guia-ubuntu.org, cesarius.net, tuxpepino.wordpress.com, ubuntulife.wordpress.com, google groups on spanish.
In addition and if you're using Firefox, you can use Googlubuntu firefox plugin to add Googlubuntu search bar.