* User-friendly GUI* unlimited variable storage
* history and results on a scrollable display
* up to 50 decimal precisions
* intelligent automatic completion
* fully usable from the keyboard
* more than 50 built-in math functions
* optional virtual keypad to be used with a mouse
* on-the-fly and selection calculation
* customizable appearance
* syntax highlighting and parentheses matching
* Keyboard-friendly
* Smart correction
* History repeats itself
* 50 decimals at your disposal
color the expression: SpeedCrunch can always color the expression according to the syntax. You can easily distinguish numbers from variables. You can also see the matched parentheses.automatic completion: Type the letter c only and in less than a second you will be automagically given with choices of cos, cosh or your variables whose name start with c.
50 decimals at your disposal: With its unique calculation routines, you can get up to 50 decimals of precision. Normally, all the important digits are shown, but you can also ask SpeedCrunch to round it to several digits.
precision: When your calculation is quite complex and involving a chain of operations, this high precision ensures that you would get less rounding error in the end.
Calculation history: Just press up and down arrow to access the expression which you typed before. Expression history of maximum last 100 expressions is saved between sessions.
Smart correction: SpeedCrunch can still understand an incomplete expression. For example, just typing sin followed by Enter – likely means taking the sine of last value – is automatically translated as sin(ans).
parentheses: Closing parenthesis can be left to SpeedCrunch, e.g. cos(pi/4 is automatically corrected to cos(pi/4).
For Ubuntu, Debian, Kubuntu: sudo apt-get install speedcrunchGentoo : sudo emerge speedcrunch
Fedora : sudo yum install speedcrunch
OpenSUSE : sudo yast -i speedcrunch
For other Linux distributions, you can install SpeedCrunch by compiling it from source code. See the instructions below :
Download the tarball from here :
* Download the tarball: speedcrunch-0.10.1.tar.gz (1.6 MB)
* Extract the package to a temporary directory
* Run cmake . from the src subfolder, followed by make
* To install it, run make install (Need administration privileges)
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