Among others, its key features include proxy and SOCKS5 support, recursive downloading, wildcard matching, download scheduler, multiple download queues and more...
Using the D4X is very simple, copy the url to the file to be downloaded, Click the + icon in the software and paste the URL and click OK. Quite interesting features in D4X are sound effets on completion, ftp access, simple usage, logs, setting limits on download size etc… Use D4X for your downloads and Enjoy…
KGet (http://kget.sourceforge.net/)

It keeps all your downloads in one dialog and you can add and remove transfers. Transfers can be paused, resumed, queued or scheduled. Dialogs display information about the status of transfers - progress, size, speed and remaining time.
The program supports drag & drop from KDE applications and Mozilla Firefox.
KGet is an advanced download manager with support for Metalink and Bittorrent. Downloads are added to the list, where they can be paused, queued, or scheduled for later.
Features include:
* Downloading files from FTP and HTTP(S) sources
* Pausing and resuming of downloading files, as well as the ability to restart a download
* Provides lots of information about current and pending downloads.
* Embedding into system tray
* Integration with the Konqueror web browser
* Metalink support which contain multiple URLs for downloads, along with checksums and other information
doKa (http://doka.sourceforge.net/)

It's made with Kdevelop, C++ and Qt, it uses multiples connections to download a file. This way you can speed up your download. The goal of this project is to make a downloader with the beauty of Kde and with more features than the main downloaders for Linux has.
KMAGO (http://kmago.sourceforge.net/)
KMAGO (MAnager of Get Operations) is a KDE-based download manager. It features drag and drop operations, group management of transfers, control of multiple downloads with priority and selectable priority policy, resume capability check, full configurability, and the ability to choose different programs for use as a downloading backend.
* drag and drop operations with applications (konqueror, Netscape, ...) and between KMago widgets
* drop target and system tray icon with d'n'd capabilities
* transfers grouping
* multiple downloads control with priority and selectable priority policy
* resume capability check
* full configurable
* enabled to manage many retriever commands
* cookie and http related management offered by KDE I/O library
Gwget (http://www.gnome.org/projects/gwget/)
Gwget it's a download manager for the Gnome Desktop. The main features are:
* Resume: By default, gwget tries to continue any download.
* Notification: Gwget tries to use the Gnome notification area suppo dxrt, if available. You can close the main window and gwget runs in the background.
* Recursivity: Gwget detects when you put a html, php, asp or a web page dir in the url to download, and ask you to only download certain files (multimedia, only the index, and so on).
* Drag & Drop: You can d&d a url to the main gwget window or the notification area icon to add a new download.
* Firefox Extension: Fireget
QuickDownloader (http://qdown.sourceforge.net/)
QuickDownloader is a download manager that accelerates downloads by between 200 and 300%. It provides a resume capability for resuming broken downloads. It supports both HTTP and FTP downloads.
features of QuickDownloader
* Support for multiple Downloads
* Capability to carry out both downloads and Resume simultaneously
* Better Handling of errors
* Handling of 100 % of all possible errors that can be thrown
* A Desktop button which can set the location to the users desktop
* Resuming of All Downloads
* Information on each Download that can be resumed
* Buffer Resizing for optimum use
* Proxy Configuration for systems behind firewalls
* The viewing of System Resources and the resources in use by QD
* Log and error handling support
* Accelerates Downloads by upto 300%
* Support for all types of Network connections such as Dial Up, Broadband T1 etc.
* Ability to download from both http and ftp sites
* 100 % Resume support on all downloads even if the server doesn't support it.
* Downloads can be zipped up upon download to minimise the amount of space it takes
* OS Independent
* Uses Java JRE which runs on any machine such as Windows 2000, 98, Linux etc.
* Integrity checker for all gui based components
octod (http://diozaka.org/octod/)
Octod is a "download manager daemon" -- a daemon that listens at the network interface for incoming download jobs and performs them (simultaneously) in the background. It is intended to run on desktop systems as a reliable and fast download manager without the overhead of a graphical user interface, but it can also be used as a centralized download station running in network environments with multiple users.
To control the daemon, an easy and self-explanatory network protocol has been defined, so cross-platform, cross-language graphical clients (based on ncurses, Qt, Gtk, or even HTML/PHP) can be implemented.
The libraries used for the daemon (libcURL and libboost) are highly portable, so there should not be any problem in compiling it within any POSIX-compliant operating system and even Microsoft Windows (with some adaption of the network functions), but this has not been tested yet. At the moment, it is running fine on Linux systems.
Claros Downloader (http://www.claros.org/old/products/downloader/download.html)
Claros Downloader is a highly customizable, multi-threaded, Web-based downloader manager. Users can download files to their desktop or corporate server, from wherever they are.
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