tutorial - How To use Yum

  • To seach for a application: Yum will search all your enabled repos and tell you where you can obtain the package from
yum search application_name
  • Yum can list all available packages from your enabled repos and tell you where you can obtain the package from:
yum list available
  • To find out more info about some package
yum info application_name
  • Installing applications
yum install application_name
  • Listing rpms : yum can list installed rpms for you from the repos you have enabled
yum list extras
  • Removing rpms: Yum can remove a application and the dependenciesit installed with tat application. it will not remove depenencies if another application installed needs them.
yum remove application_name
  • Updating the system: Yum can update the system for you with out user interact if you want it to.
yum update
  • Not sure if you have upates?
yum check-update
  • Local install: downloaded a rpm and cannot install it with rpm because of dependencies?
yum localinstall /path/to/the/rpm

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